Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) offers free safety trainings to the TMU community. Lately, we have updated the trainings being offered and have developed e-Learning courses that will allow for a lot more interactivity, including but not limited to online practice quizzes and scored online tests. We have also developed safety videos to complement and accompany the e-Learning courses.


  • Environmental Health and Safety eLearning: It is required that all employees at Toronto Metropolitan University complete some basic online training to stay safe and informed in the workplace. In compliance with Ontario Ministry of Labour (MOL) Regulation 297/13, external link, this now includes Environmental Health and Safety eLearning.
  • WHMIS: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System.
  • Chemical Safety & WHMIS: covers the new WHMIS legislation, working safely with chemicals (storage, inventory, and disposal), and dealing with chemical spills.
  • Personal Protective Equipment: help identify potential hazards requiring PPE, covers possible routes of exposure, types of PPE available, and guideline for use, care and maintenance of PPE.
  • Compressed Gases Safety Awareness: covers the hazards associated with working with gas cylinders, TMU’s ordering process, receiving, storing, handling and transporting cylinders.
  • Biological Safety Awareness: overview of biosafety to promote awareness in areas where biological materials are handled and to protect the workers, the public and the surrounding environment from possible exposure to biohazardous materials. Intended for non-users of biological hazardous agents who may enter, or have to work in an area or lab where these agents are used.
  • Laser Safety Awareness: overview of laser safety to promote awareness in areas where lasers are being used. Intended for non-users of lasers who may enter, or have to work in an area or lab where lasers are used.
  • Machine Safety: help you understand what resources are available to keep you safe while working with various machines and equipment at TMU. Also helps you identify hazards and determine appropriate levels of control for machines and equipment. Intended for employees and students that use machine and equipment for academic or work related purposes.
  • Office Ergonomics: specific to Aches, Pains, and Office Strains. Covers musculoskeletal disorders, how to adjust your workstation ergonomically and stretches you can do at your workstations.

YouTube Videos

Focuses on protecting TMU’s lab personnel from exposures to infectious agents. It provides an understanding of different containment levels established by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Here, you will learn about specific containment levels used in the university’s laboratory. It outlines the following: how to safely handle infectious materials when entering and exiting labs, the safe operation of biosafety cabinets to prevent infectious aerosols, and prevention methods for sharps and needle injuries. Thus, the last component addresses effective work practices for cleaning up spills with spill kits.
Provides an overview of how hazardous chemicals are handled by wet lab personnel at Toronto Metropolitan University. It demonstrates the importance of using the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce exposures to chemical hazards and risks. By following safety data sheet instructions, you learn how to properly store chemicals, how to transport chemicals safely to minimize risks of spills, and how to correctly label and handle waste disposal. You will also learn about the steps to take in events of spill emergencies.
Learn about different types of fume hoods, it's application in the laboratory; standard procedures in operating fume hoods and how to ensure fume hoods are in safe operable conditions. You will also be guided on how to properly handle and store chemicals in fume hoods.
Learn about lasers and their uses in the university’s engineering and physics laboratory. It highlights how lasers are classified according to their potential to cause serious health effects to the body such as the skin and eyes. It also demonstrates procedures on how to perform laser alignments safely. There are different types of lasers, which require specific controls to protect workers and the work environment.
Demonstrates how you can protect yourself from exposures to common types of ionizing radiation. You will learn about potential hazards and risks associated to radiation, its limitations and its application in TMU laboratories and other areas. This video shows you many ways in which workers can monitor radiation exposure. You will also be guided on essential cleanup practices to implement when working with ionizing radiation.
Describes the long-term health effects of being exposed to high-energy sources from X-Ray radiation. Specifically, you learn about the importance of operating X-Ray machines safely at TMU and key areas to inspect before using the machines. It guides X-Ray machine users how to properly wear and store radiation monitoring badges to prevent damage or inaccurate dose readings. The video will also review specific requirements needed to use or purchase X-ray machines in Canada.
Provides a detailed review of how members of the TMU community play a vital role in minimizing fire hazards and risks. It outlines fire prevention methods to be followed by all members especially in TMU laboratories. You learn about what do to do in case of a fire emergency, how to safely evacuate from various buildings on campus, who to contact in an emergency event, and provides knowledge on numerous fire control systems used. Furthermore, you will understand the responsibility of fire wardens and ways to assist individuals requiring assistance with evacuation procedures.
OFFICE ERGONOMICS: Setting up your desktop or laptop ergonomically
Learn the causes and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), how to maintain a neutral sitting position and how to set up your workstation ergonomically.
OFFICE ERGONOMICS: Working ergonomically with handheld devices
Learn how to use handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets ergonomically to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders.
OFFICE ERGONOMICS: Musculoskeletal prevention strategies
Find out why frequent breaks and movement through the workday is important and learn stretches you can practice at your desk.