Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ryerson University
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON M5B 2K3, Canada
Tel: 416-979-5000 X. 6178
Email: yazdani@ryerson.ca
Degree University Department Year
Ph.D. Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Electrical and Computer
M.Sc. Univ. of Tehran, Tehran, Iran Electrical and Computer
B.Sc. Sharif Univ. of Technology, Tehran, Iran Electrical and Computer
Date Rank & Position Department Institution
Aug. 11- Present
Electrical and Computer
Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Jan. 13- Present
Adjunct Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Aug. 11- Present
Adjunct Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer
University of Western Ontario (UWO), London, Canada
Jul. 06- Jun. 11
Electrical and Computer
University of Western Ontario (UWO), London, Canada
Nov. 05- Jul. 06
R&D Digital Predictive Systems (DPS) Inc. and NSERC, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Jun. 05- Nov. 05
Centre for Applied Power
Electronics (CAPE)
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Nov. 95- Aug. 02
Design and Field
R&D Maharan, Engineering
Corp., Tehran, Iran
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• University Students’ Council (USC) Teaching Honour Roll Award of Excellence,
2008-2009 and 2010-2011,
• IEEE Senior Membership, August 2009,
• Industrial Research and Development Fellowship (IRDF), Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), 2005-2006,
• Edward S. Rogers Scholarship, 2004, 2005,
• University of Toronto Fellowship, 2002, 2003,
• University Students’ Council (USC) Teaching Honour Roll Award of Excellence,
2008-2009 and 2010-2011,
Course Year Description
ECE 439A 06-07 Electrical Energy Conversion –
The course discusses different source of electric power generation, including coal-fired power plants, nuclear power
plants, renewable energy, and hydrogen economy.
ECE 236B 06-07 Engineering Electromagnetics –
The course deals with electric fields, magnetic fields, and the application of electromagnetic theory in electrical engineering.
ECE 416 06-07 Fourth Year Capstone Project –
3 projects and a total number of 7 students supervised.
ECE 439A 07-08 Conventional, Renewable, and Nuclear Energy –
(The same course as the old ECE 4439A, but renamed.)
ECE 236B 07-08 Engineering Electromagnetics – ECE 416 07-08 Fourth Year Capstone Project –
4 projects and a total number of 8 students supervised.
ECE 4439A 08-09 Conventional, Renewable, and Nuclear Energy –
(The same course as the old ECE 4439A, but renumbered.)
ECE 4416 08-09 Fourth Year Capstone Project –
5 projects and a total number of 13 students supervised.
ECE 2231B 09-10 Introduction to Electronics –
The course introduces the electronic devices, e.g. diodes, transistors, etc., and basic electronic amplifiers.
ECE 4439B 09-10 Conventional, Renewable, and Nuclear Energy –
(The same course as ECE 4439A, but moved to winter semester.)
ECE 4416 09-10 Fourth Year Capstone Project –
2 projects and a total number of 3 students supervised.
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ES 4499 | 09-10 | Fourth Year Capstone Project – Ivey Exchange 1 project and 2 students supervised. |
ECE 2231B | 10-11 | Introduction to Electronics – |
ECE 4439B | 10-11 | Conventional, Renewable, and Nuclear Energy – |
ECE 4416 | 10-11 | Fourth Year Capstone Project – 3 projects and a total number of 8 students supervised. |
At Ryerson University
Course Year Description
EES 604 W2012 Electronics and Sensors –
The course deals with various analog, electronic, signal processing circuits, such as amplifiers, filters, nonlinear waveshapers, etc., using electronic components and operational amplifiers (op-amps). The course also briefly discusses transistors and transistor.
EES 612 W2012 Electric Machines and Actuators –
The course discusses electromechanical energy conversion systems, namely, electric machines and
actuators. Magnetism and magnetic circuits, various types
of rotating machines, and power electronic control techniques are covered.
EES 612 P2012 Electric Machines and Actuators – EES 612 F2012 Electric Machines and Actuators –
F2011 Fourth-Year Design Project –
2 projects and 6 undergraduate students supervised.
W2012 Fourth-Year Design Project –
2 projects and 6 undergraduate students supervised.
EES 604 W2013 Electronics and Sensors –
EES 612 W2013 Electric Machines and Actuators – ELE 404 W2013 Electronic Circuits I –
The course deals with analog electronic components and circuits, with an emphasis on CMOS amplifiers. Basic design and analysis techniques are taught, followed by circuit building blocks for ICs.
F2012 Fourth-Year Design Project –
2 projects and 6 undergraduate students supervised.
W2013 Fourth-Year Design Project –
2 projects and 6 undergraduate students supervised.
EES 612 P2013 Electric Machines and Actuators – ELE 404 P2013 Electronic Circuits I –
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Course Year Description
ES 657A 07-08 Modelling and Control of Power Electronic Converter
The course discusses the modelling, analysis, and controller design for electronic power converters and grid interfaces.
08-09 Modelling and Control of Power Electronic Converter
The same course as ES 657A, but renamed.
09-10 Vector Control of Rotating Machines –
The course discusses modelling, flux/torque control, and estimation techniques in three-phase electric machines.
09-10 Modelling and Control of Power Electronic Converter
10-11 Vector Control of Rotating Machines –
At Ryerson University
Course EE 8417 | Year P2012 | Description Vector Control of Rotating Machines – |
EE 8416 | F2012 | Modelling and Control of Power Electronic Converter Systems – |
Note: names of Dr. Yazdani’s graduate students (former or current) are written in italics.
Books and Book Chapters
B1) A. Yazdani and R. Iravani, “Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems: Modelling, Control, and Applications,” 460 pages, ISBN: 978-0-470-52156-4, John- Wiley/IEEE Press, Feb. 2010. [cited 99 times]
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Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals
J1) F.A. Bhuiyan, A. Yazdani and S. Primak “Modelling, Simulation, and Performance
Analysis of Power Management Strategies for an Islanded Microgrid”, Iinternational
Journal of Energy Science (IJES), accepted Jul. 2013.
J2) H. Haddadi, A. Yazdani, G. Joos, and B. Boulet, “A Gain-Scheduled Decoupling Control Strategy for Enhanced Transient Performance and Stability of An Islanded Active Distribution Network, “IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 8 pages, accepted Jul.
J3) M.A. Zamani, T.S. Sidhu and A. Yazdani, “A Communication-Based Strategy for Protection of Microgrids with Looped Configuration”, Elsevier Electric Power Systems Research Journal, 104 (2013), pp. 52-61, Jun. 2013.
J4) M.A. Zamani, T.S. Sidhu and A. Yazdani, “Investigations into the Control and Protection of an Existing Distribution Network to Operate as a Microgrid: A Case Study”, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Accepted May 2013.
J5) O. Alizadeh and A. Yazdani, “A Strategy for Real Power Control in a Direct-Drive
PMSG-Based Wind Energy Conversion System,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol.
28, no. 3, pp. pp. 1297-1305, Jul. 2013.
J6) H.S. Athab, D.D. Lu, A. Yazdani, and B. Wu, “An Efficient Single-Switch Quasi-Active PFC Converter with Continuous Input Current and Low DC Bus Voltage Stress,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, accepted Mar. 2013.
J7) M.A. Zamani, A. Yazdani and T. S. Sidhu, “A Communication-Assisted Protection Strategy for Inverter-Based Medium-Voltage Microgrids,” IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 2088-2099, Dec. 2012.
J8) M.A. Zamani, A. Yazdani and T. S. Sidhu, “A Control Strategy for Enhanced Operation of Inverter-Based Microgrids under Transient Disturbances and Network Faults,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 1737-1747, Oct. 2012.
J9) M.B. Delghavi and A. Yazdani, “A Unified Control Strategy for Electronically Interfaced
Distributed Energy Resources”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 803-
812, Apr. 2012. [cited 3 times]
J10) H. Ghoddami, M.B. Delghavi and A. Yazdani, “An Integrated Wind-Photovoltaic-Battery System with Reduced Power-Electronic Interface and Fast Control for Grid-Tied and Off-Grid Applications”, Elsevier Renewable Energy Journal, 45 (2012), pp. 128-137, Mar. 2012.
J11) S. Chiniforoosh, H. Atighechi, A. Davoudi, J. Jatskevich, A. Yazdani, S. Filizadeh, M.
Saeedifard, J.A. Martinez, V. Sood, K. Strunz, J. Mahseredjian and V. Dinavahi, “Dynamic Average Modeling of Front-End Diode Rectifier Loads Considering Discontinuous Conduction Mode and Unbalanced Operation”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 421-429, Jan. 2012. [cited 4 times]
J12) M.B. Delghavi and A. Yazdani, “An Adaptive Feedforward Compensation for Stability Enhancement in Droop-Controlled Inverter-Based Microgrids,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 1764-1773, Jul. 2011. [cited 7 times]
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J13) M.A. Zamani, T. S. Sidhu and A. Yazdani, “A Protection Strategy and Microprocessor- Based Relay for Low-Voltage Microgrids,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no.
3, pp. 1873-1883, Jul. 2011. [cited 16 times]
J14) A. Yazdani, A.R. Di Fazio, H. Ghoddami, M. Russo, M. Kazerani, J. Jatskevich, K.
Strunz, S. Leva and J.A. Martinez, “Modelling Guidelines and a Benchmark for Power System Simulation Studies of Three-Phase Single-Stage Photovoltaic Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 1247-1264, Apr. 2011. [cited 25 times]
J15) H. Ghoddami and A. Yazdani, "A Single-stage Three-Phase Photovoltaic System with Enhanced Maximum Power Point Tracking Capability and Increased Power Rating," IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 1017-1029, Apr. 2011. [cited 9 times]
J16) M.B. Delghavi and A. Yazdani, “Islanded-Mode Control of Electronically-Coupled Distributed Resource (DR) Units under Unbalanced and Nonlinear Load Conditions”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 661-673, Apr. 2011. [cited 18 times]
J17) W. El-khattam, A. Yazdani, T.S. Sidhu and R. Seethapathy, "Investigation of the Local Passive Anti-Islanding Scheme in a Distribution System Embedding a PMSG-Based Wind Farm," IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 42-52, Jan. 2011. [cited 7 times]
J18) H. Karimi, A. Yazdani and R. Iravani, “Robust Control of an Autonomous Four-Wire Electronically-Coupled Distributed Generation Unit,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 455-466, Jan. 2011. [cited 7 times]
J19) S. Chiniforoosh, J. Jatskevich, A. Yazdani, V. Sood, V. Dinavahi, J.A. Martinez and A.
Ramirez “Definitions and Applications of Dynamic Average Models for Analysis of
Power Systems”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 2655-2669, Oct.
2010. [cited 22 times]
J20) F.A. Bhuiyan and A. Yazdani, “Reliability Assessment of a Wind-Power System with
Integrated Energy Storage”, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 211-
220, May 2010. [cited 10 times]
J21) F.A. Bhuiyan and A. Yazdani, “Multi-Mode Control and Operation of A Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)-Based Wind-Power Unit for Remote Applications,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol.24, no. 4, pp. 2079-2089, Oct. 2009. [cited 29 times]
J22) A. Yazdani and P. Dash, “A Control Methodology and Characterization of Dynamics for a PhotoVoltaic (PV) System Interfaced with A Distribution Network,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vo. 24, no. 3, pp. 1538-1555, Jul. 2009. [cited 52 times]
J23) A. Ostadi, A. Yazdani and R.K. Varma, “Modelling and Stability Analysis of A DFIG- Based Wind-Power Generator Interfaced with A Series-Compensated Line,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1504-1514, Jul. 2009. [cited 29 times]
J24) P. Dash and A. Yazdani, “Mathematical Model and Performance Evaluation For A Single-Stage Grid-Connected PhotoVoltaic (PV) System,” International Journal of Emerging Power Systems, vol. 9, no. 6, article 5, Dec. 2008. [cited 2 times]
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J25) H. Karimi, A. Yazdani, and R. Iravani, “Negative-Sequence Current Injection for Fast Islanding Detection of a Distributed Resource Unit”, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 298-307, Jan. 2008. [cited 70 times]
J26) A. Yazdani, and R. Iravani, “A Unified Dynamic Model and Control for the Voltage- Sourced Converter under Unbalanced Grid Conditions”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1620-1629, Jul. 2006. [cited 84 times]
J27) A. Yazdani, and R. Iravani, “A Neutral-Point Clamped Converter System for Direct- Drive Variable-Speed Wind-Power Unit”, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 596-607, Jun. 2006. [cited 81 times]
Neutral Point Diode Clamped Converter”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 21, no.
1, pp. 185-193, Jan. 2006. [cited 20 times]
J29) A. Yazdani, and R. Iravani, “Dynamic Model and Control of the NPC-Based Back-to- Back HVDC System”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 414-424, Jan.
2006. [cited 35 times]
J30) A. Yazdani, and R. Iravani, “Control of a High-Performance Switched-Mode Rectifier System”, IEE Proceedings of Electric Power Applications, vol. 152, no. 6, Nov. 2005. [cited 5 times]
J31) A. Yazdani and R. Iravani, “A Generalized State-Space Averaged Model of the Three- Level NPC Converter for Systematic DC-Voltage-Balancer and Current-Controller Design,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 1105-1114, Apr. 2005. [cited 35 times]
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
C1) M. Tabari and A. Yazdani, “A DC Distribution System for Power System Integration of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” to be presented at IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2013, Vancouver, 5 pages, July 2013.
C2) H.S. Athab, A. Yazdani, B. Wu “A Transformer-Less DC-DC Converter with Large Voltage Transformation Ratio for Medium-Voltage DC Grid Applications,” to be presented at IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2013, Vancouver,
5 pages, July 2013.
C3) A. Haddadi, A. Yazdani, G. Joos, and B. Boulet, “A Generic Load Model for Simulation Studies of Microgrids,” to be presented at IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2013, Vancouver, 5 pages, July 2013.
C4) F.A. Bhuiyan and A. Yazdani, “Energy Storage Technologies for Grid-Connected and Off-Grid Power System Applications,” IEEE Electric Power and Energy Conference, EPEC 2012, pp. 333-340, Oct. 2012.
C5) H. Athab, A. Yazdani, B. Wu, and D.D. Lu, “A Single-Switch Single-Stage Quasi-Active PFC Converter with Bus Voltage Following Peak Input Voltage,” 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics 2012, IECON 12, pp. 3762-3767, Oct.
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C6) H. Ghoddami and A. Yazdani, “A Bipolar Two-Stage Photovoltaic System Based on Three-Level Neutral-Point Clamped Converter”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, 8 pages, Jul. 2012.
C7) H. Ghoddami and A. Yazdani, “An Analysis of the Three-Level Neutral-Point Clamped (NPC) Inverter with Two Independent DC Sources”, IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2012, Montreal, CA, 6 pages, May 2012.
C8) M.A. Zamani, T. Sidhu and A. Yazdani, “Investigations into the Operation of an Existing Medium-Voltage Distribution Feeder as a Microgrid”, IET Renewable Power Generation Conference RPG 2011, 6 pages, Sep. 2011.
C9) A. Yazdani, “Electromagnetic Transients of Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Systems Based on Detailed and Averaged Models of the Voltage-Sourced Converter”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2011, 8 pages, Jul. 2011. [Invited Panel Paper]
C10) N.R. Chaudhuri and A. Yazdani, “An Aggregation Scheme for Offshore Wind Farms with VSC-Based HVDC Collection System”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2011, 8 pages, Jul. 2011.
C11) Md. Muntasir Ul-Alam, G. Moschopoulos and A. Yazdani, “A Three-Phase ZVS-PWM Inverter for Energy Storage/Harvesting Applications”, Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2011, pp. 1216-1222, Mar. 2011.
C12) M.A. Zamani, T. Sidhu and A. Yazdani, “A Strategy for Protection Coordination in Radial Distribution Networks with Distributed Generators”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2010, 8 pages, Jul. 2010. [cited 11 times]
C13) S. Mizani and A. Yazdani, “Design and Operation of a Remote Microgrid”, 35th Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics 2009, IECON 09, pp. 4299-4304, Nov.
2009. [cited 9 times]
C14) S. Mizani and A. Yazdani, “Optimal design and operation of a grid-connected microgrid,” IEEE Canada Electric Power and Energy Conference, EPEC 09, 6 pages, Oct. 2009. [cited 6 times]
C15) M.B. Delghavi and A. Yazdani, “A Control Strategy for Islanded Operation of a Distributed Resource (DR) Unit,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2009, 8 pages, Jul. 2009. [cited 15 times]
2007, 7 pages, Jul. 2008. [cited 3 times]
C17) A. Yazdani, "Islanded Operation of A Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) Wind- Power System with Integrated Energy Storage," IEEE Canada, Electric Power Conference, EPC 07, 7 pages, Oct. 2007. [cited 11 times]
C18) S. Farhangi, A. Yazdani, B. Fahimi, “Model-reference Adaptive Control of a PFC- equipped Battery-charger”, 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 01, vol. 2, pp. 1015-1020, Nov. 2001. [cited 2 times]
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Invited Talks and Presentations at Professional Meetings
Power Systems Studies: A Generic Approach”, Panel Session on Modelling and Analysis of Power Systems, Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Committee, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PES-GM) 2013, Vancouver, Canada, Jul.
2013. [Panel Presentation]
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Mar. 2012. [Invited Talk]
2011. [Invited Talk]
Last updated Sep. 12, 2013—AY
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