Xavier Fernando is the Director of TMU Intelligent Communication and Computing Lab (formerly Ryerson Communication Lab). He has (co-)authored over 200 research articles, three books (one translated to Mandarin), several book chapters and holds few patents. The present and past members and affiliates of this lab can be found at this LinkedIn group and Facebook page .
He was an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer and has delivered over 70 invited talks and keynote presentations . He was a member in the IEEE Communications Society (COMSOC) Education Board Working Group on Wireless Communications. He was the Chair of IEEE Canada Humanitarian Initiatives Committee 2017-18. He was also the Chair of the IEEE Toronto Section and IEEE Canada Central Area.
His work (with the students) has won over 30 Honors and Prizes so far including, Professional Engineers Ontario Award in 2016; IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Prize in 2010, Sarnoff Symposium Prize in 2009, Opto-Canada best poster prize in 2003 and CCECE best paper prize in 2001.
He was the General Chair of the IEEE Canada International Humanitarian Technology Conference , July 2017, Toronto, Canada and the General Chair of the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) 2014 . He has been in the organizing/steering/technical program committees of numerous conferences and journals. He was a Member of Board of Governors of Ryerson University during 2011-12.
He is a program evaluator for ABET (USA). He was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Advanced Telecommunications (IAT), UK in 2008 and MAPNET Fellow visiting Aston University, UK in 2014. Ryerson University nominated him for the Top 25 Canadian Immigrants award in 2012 in which was a finalist.
Ryersonian article Research versus Teaching - how Dr. Fernando balances both
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